If you’re handling a case and you believe your client would be better served by working together with our team on a co-counsel basis, reach out to our team today
Case Referrals
Over the past 20 years, we paid out millions of dollars in referral fees to licensed attorneys through our successful representation for medical malpractice and nursing home abuse.
The Firm expresses their deepest sympathy to the Gelman family
On December 2, 2022, we lost our beloved Bruce H. Gelman. He was born Bruce Howard Gelman in October 1962 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the son of Jeanne Gelman and the late Harry Gelman. With sadness of his passing, he is survived by Jeanne Gelman, his...
Announcing the firm’s newest partner, Megan E. Dirlam!
Congratulations to our attorney and partner Pete Giglione, who was named one of the Top 50 Super Lawyers in Pittsburgh!
22 Nursing Homes Now Have Contracts
Report filed by the plaintiffs found that Brighton’s nursing staff worked fewer hours than expected under Medicare rules based on the care levels required.
Nursing Home Accused of Saving Millions by Keeping Staff Levels Below Standards
Report filed by the plaintiffs found that Brighton’s nursing staff worked fewer hours than expected under Medicare rules based on the care levels required.
City of Pittsburgh Blocks Request for Fern Hollow Bridge Documents
A bridge falls. Pittsburgh makes national headlines. Then, a swarm of government responses, lawsuits and impacts that reverberated through the community.
Congratulations to Our Attorney and Partner Pete Giglione!
Congratulations to our attorney and partner Pete Giglione, who was named one of the Top 50 Super Lawyers in Pittsburgh!
Paragard IUD Lawsuits: An Evolving Account
a common form of birth control—the Paragard IUD—has come under scrutiny for its propensity to break upon removal
Wrongful Death & Survival Action: Pt. 1
Litigation may take a long time. A chronically ill or elderly litigant may die during the litigation. The survival action allows the estate of that now deceased litigant to carry on the recovery of those damages.