
5 real complications from a vaccine

For most people, vaccination is a safe, standard procedure that will prevent more serious illnesses from affecting them. Unfortunately, vaccines are not 100% safe for all people. Even healthy people could be negatively affected by vaccines or face complications from...

Is arm pain normal after a vaccine? 

The process of getting your vaccine seems pretty straightforward. Yes, the needle hurts just slightly as it enters your arm. But it’s all over very quickly and you head back home, confident that you are going to be safe and healthy moving forward.  Later that day,...

Will a vaccine make you sick?

You know well that vaccines are essential to preventing the spread of disease and keeping people safe. It doesn’t take much to look back at the history of deadly diseases that have been all but eradicated with the use of vaccines. They will prevent you from getting...

Anaphylaxis after a vaccine can be fatal

On the whole, vaccines are very safe and they help to prevent the spread of disease. They have stopped epidemics and changed the course of modern medicine. Many deadly diseases are rarely found in the United States anymore because of the work of vaccines.  That said,...