While many nursing homes provide competent and comprehensive care for their residents, they are many cases of understaffing and abuse. This is often because nursing homes function as a business, and in a bid to cut costs, managers hire less competent carergivers or do not hire enough employees. This can mean that residents’ hygiene needs are not met, or that overworked staff become negligent or even abusive.
When staff in nursing homes is abusive, it may be in a physical way or in a mental way. Just because your loved one displays no signs of physical abuse does not mean that they are not suffering. The following are some of the key signs of emotional abuse in nursing homes.
They become socially withdrawn
If your loved one has always had a social personality and has never been shy, you may be surprised to see them withdrawing into themselves and avoiding eye contact with people. This could be a sign that they have been subject to bullying or another type of emotional abuse in the nursing home.
They make a report of abuse
If your loved one confides in you about an incident of emotional abuse in the nursing home, you should take it seriously, even if your loved one is suffering from dementia. Make sure that you conduct an investigation and find out the extent of the abuse.
Unexplained emotions
If your loved one is displaying sudden emotions or is going through mood swings, this could be a sign that they are suffering emotional abuse. For example, they may have a sudden outburst of anger or become very fearful if a member of staff comes into the room. They may also get separation anxiety and not want you to leave them alone.
It is important that you act as an advocate for your loved one and that you take legal action if you believe that emotional abuse is happening in the nursing home. Being proactive in your approach could help prevent others from suffering in the same way.