Nursing home abuse remains a large problem across the country. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is home to many nursing homes offering a wide range of care for elderly and infirm residents. Although it is nice to have several homes to choose from, how can you know if the one you chose will provide care and nurturing in a safe environment?
Unfortunately, it is impossible to be 100% sure that your loved one will not fall victim to nursing home abuse. However, if you know what to look for in terms of best care practices, it may help you narrow your list of options to a few suitable candidates.
Six signs of a high-quality nursing home
- Few complaints filed against the facility
- A low rate of resident infections
- Other patients and their families praise the facility and its staff
- Staff members do not have too many patients to care for
- A low rate of employee turnovers
- Leadership positions (nursing director, etc.) filled for at least three years
As you might expect, even facilities that seem great based on the list above may have underlying nursing home abuse problems. It is wise to keep a close eye on your loved one during his or her time in the facility. During the first few weeks or months, make it a priority to visit regularly at unscheduled times to look for potential abuse. After this step, continue to monitor your family member regularly.
If your loved one suffers from nursing home abuse despite your due diligence, seek a legal opinion right away. Holding the responsible parties to account for abuse provides you and your elder with financial relief. Swift action may also keep other vulnerable Pennsylvania residents safe from harm.