One of the greatest dangers of nursing home abuse is that the people being abused are often targeted because they are vulnerable, and they may not be able to tell anyone else what is happening. For example, the person could have Alzheimer’s or a similar condition that means they can’t always recall what is happening or who is perpetrating the abuse.
This means that abuse continues unchecked unless family members start to see red flags. It’s critical for these individuals to know what signs to look for. Below are seven potential indicators of abuse:
- There are physical changes and clear signs of physical injury, like bruises or cuts.
- There are signs of an emotional decline, as a person drifts into depression.
- The person’s attitude changes; for instance, an outgoing person becomes withdrawn.
- The staff tries to deflect your questions. Maybe you ask about a bruise, and they just say that “it happens” and then push the conversation toward a new topic.
- The staff members that you meet have a negative attitude and always seem overwhelmed.
- Your loved one never wants to be around some of the staff members, even when they do not say why.
- Your loved one continues to develop sicknesses and other ailments at an alarming rate. This could also be an indicator of neglect.
Have you seen these signs? Have you felt a growing concern that the nursing home where your loved one lives may not be a safe location? As you dig in a bit deeper to find out exactly what is going on, make sure you take the time to consider all of your legal options.